Summer is finally here and bugs, animals, and other pests are out and about. Why do most pests like summer season the best?


Temperatures that rise in spring and summer affect the behavior and development of many common pests. From their hibernation cycles in winter and spring come ants, centipedes, spiders, hungry opossums, and more. This being said, pests will seek shelter when the temperature rises too high. The temperature favorability affects some species of pests more than others. For example, evidence suggests that elevated temperatures at high elevations across western North America have allowed mountain pine beetle populations to develop in a single year in areas where two or more years were previously required. Adaptability with pest control will be the deciding factor on your pest control success this summer as species shift in population and abundance.

tiny yellow bugs on a leaf


Water is essential for survival, which is why many pests thrive in moist areas. While Rochester is not as high in humidity as the south of the country, an average of 75% humidity is fairly high. Mosquitos are especially fond of humidity and can cause havoc on your summer backyard fun if they decide your local pond, water feature, or standing water after a storm makes a good home.

Food Sources

Insects, birds, and rabbits are attracted to the fresh grass growing out of control in your yard. Whether for food or for nesting material, freshly mowed grass is a great material for pests to grow healthy and strong in your backyard. The only thing you want growing in your yard are your flowers, fruits, and veggies – not pests!

whitefly pupas on leaf

Daylight And Summer Pest Season

Summer means longer days and shorter nights. More hours of sunlight in a day give many pests more time to feed. This means we may see pests more often over the summer as we, too, are enjoying longer days outdoors. Many summer pests are not only bothersome to humans, but also able to inflict painful bites and spread diseases. Keep them out by following some easy-to-do home tips or by calling the professionals at Innovative Pest Management!

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